In memory of Noreen Stewart

By Chloe Stewart

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Hi there,
I'm trying to fundraise to support the Lung Foundation Australia in memory of my mum Noreen Stewart. Please help by making a donation through this page.
It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way. All money fundraised will help Lung Foundation Australia support more families impacted by lung disease, COPD and lung cancer. 
Thank you, I really appreciate your support.

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Just a few words..

Thursday 18th Jul
Whomever takes the time to read this, I appreciate it very dearly.
My mum was born with congenital heart disease, her heart wasn't pumping enough blood. My mum had a successful open heart surgery at the age of 1 and again at the age of 6. When she was 15, she went through a traumatic experience of witnessing her Mum being murdered. By the age of 16, she was shot by accident at a house party. It went through her spleen, bounced off her ribs and got stuck in the bottom part of her heart. They were unable to remove the bullet, over the course of her life, they tried 7 times to remove it and couldn't. So my mum had to live with that bullet until she passed away. My mum got COPD while she was still quite young prior to me being born. I am the youngest, I have 2 brothers. My mum had her first baby when she was 17. Incredible, right?! My mum sadly passed away at the age of 61 at home, heart failure. My mum was the strongest, most gentle, courageous, positive Lady I have ever had the privilege and pleasure of knowing. She really loved life and lived every moment, always making the most of it even when her body failed her. You truly couldn't make this up, I always said my mum should have wrote a book. She outlived every time they gave her. 
I'm so proud to call Noreen my Mum.
I am because you were.
Thank you.