In Memory of Francesco ''Frank'' Di Genua

By Rita Di Genua

I'm fundraising for...

Hi there,
We are trying to fundraise to support the Lung Foundation Australia in memory of Frank. Please help by making a donation through this page.
It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way. All money fundraised will help Lung Foundation Australia support more families impacted by lung disease and lung cancer. 
Thank you, we really appreciate your support 
Di Genua Family 

My Achievements

Signed up!

Received first donation

Received 10 donations

50% Goal Achieved

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

Thank you

Tuesday 18th Jul
Hi, Thank you to all of you who donated to the lung foundation in memory of my father, Francesco/Franco/Frank Di Genua.
I'm sorry that Maria Criniti's donation doesn't appear in her name on the sponsors' board, inadvertently it appears as a second FCI sponsor. Also, thank you to the anonymous sponsor who left cash in an envelope at the Funeral Service without identifying themselves. 

My dad’s lung disease

Saturday 20th May
Hi, I  wanted to let you know that my dad died from a form of pulmonary fibrosis ( progressive scarring of his lungs). This is not a smoking related disease, my father didn’t smoke. The cause of this lung disease  is currently poorly  understood, however, in my dad’s case , it is likely that during his lifetime he was exposed to something that he inhaled ( for an indeterminate length of time) and this triggered a pathological process that resulted in the pulmonary fibrosis. This may have happened when he worked on the land in Italy as a child and youth, ,in his apprenticeship/work as a mechanic and panel beater, or even as a handyman . Exposure to substances , known and unknown , appears to result in the type of pulmonary fibrosis my dad was thought to have , Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. This can grumble on undetected for a variable period of time without any symptoms (as was the case for my father who was diagnosed in 2019, but was asymptomatic until 2022) and then something as innocuous  as a viral infection can result in a precipitous decline in their lung function. My father went from being a very independent and active 89 year to requiring continuous oxygen over a period of 7 months. There was essentially nothing that could be done to stop his decline and he died with severe breathlessness that interfered with even the most basic of tasks, including eating and drinking. Research in this condition  is poorly funded and The Lung Foundation is trying to address this deficiency by providing funds for research that it raises through donations. Having watched my dad die breathless I wouldn’t wish a similar end of life for anyone else. Please give generously. 
Thanks, Rita Di Genua ( daughter). 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rita Di Genua


Fci Earlwood Branch


Pina Divita


Bartolomeo Travia


Pina Romeo




Fci Earlwood Branch


Maria Mirigliani


Annunziata Repole