My Activity Tracking
My target 250 kms
I'm fundraising for...
My Achievements
Signed up!
Received first donation
Received 10 donations
50% Goal Achieved
Reached A Goal
Increased Goal
Thank you to my Sponsors
David & Michelle Sullivan
Megan Neale - Your Wealthy Life
Good luck! What a massive mental and physical challenge and raising funds for a great cause.
Joel Rosenberg
Goodluck Vinnie!!! Such an amazing thing to be doing for so many people!!!!
Nick And Alesha Hadland
Shirley Kennedy
Good luck Vinnie.
Jane Bowell
Proud of you Vinnie x
Good luck Vinnie 🏃♂️➡️ you will do us all proud ❤️
Mia Sullivan
Proud of you 🤍
Karen Coomber
Go Vinnie, amazing of you to take on this challenge.
Mrs Webb
What an amazing goal you have set for yourself! You should be so proud of yourself!
Great cause Vinnie! Well done 🙌